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Archived Water Damage Blog Posts

Extracting Excellence: The Importance of Professional Water Extraction Services

6/11/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage can strike unexpectedly, wreaking havoc on homes and businesses alike. Whether it's a burst pipe, flooding, or sewage backup, the aftermath of water intrusion can be devastating. In such situations, professional water extraction services play a crucial role in mitigating damage and restoring affected properties. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of professional water extraction services and how they contribute to efficient and effective water damage restoration.

Rapid Response

Professional water extraction services offer rapid response times, arriving on-site promptly to assess the extent of the water damage and begin extraction efforts immediately. Time is of the essence when it comes to water damage, as prolonged exposure to moisture can exacerbate damage and lead to secondary issues such as mold growth and structural damage.

Advanced Equipment

Professional water extraction companies utilize state-of-the-art equipment and technology to extract water quickly and efficiently. Industrial-grade pumps, extractors, and dehumidifiers are employed to remove standing water, dry out affected areas, and restore optimal humidity levels. These specialized tools ensure thorough extraction and minimize the risk of further damage.

Expertise and Experience

Trained technicians with expertise in water damage restoration possess the knowledge and skills necessary to assess the situation accurately and develop a comprehensive extraction plan. They understand the complexities of water damage and employ proven techniques to address water intrusion effectively, from identifying hidden moisture pockets to preventing mold growth.

Comprehensive Restoration

Professional water extraction services encompass more than just water removal – they offer comprehensive restoration solutions to address all aspects of water damage. In addition to extraction, restoration professionals conduct thorough drying, dehumidification, sanitization, and structural repairs to restore the property to its preloss condition.

Mold Prevention

One of the most significant risks associated with water damage is mold growth. Mold thrives in damp, humid environments and can begin to colonize within 24 to 48 hours of water intrusion. Professional water extraction services help mitigate the risk of mold growth by removing excess moisture and thoroughly drying affected areas, preventing mold from taking hold and spreading.

Minimized Disruption

Water damage can disrupt daily life and business operations, causing inconvenience and financial loss. Professional water extraction services work efficiently to minimize disruption and expedite the restoration process, allowing homeowners and businesses to return to normalcy as quickly as possible.

Professional water extraction services are indispensable in the aftermath of water damage incidents, providing rapid response, advanced equipment, expertise, and comprehensive restoration solutions. SERVPRO of Longmont has trained professionals and can expedite the restoration process, ultimately minimizing disruption and restoring peace of mind. When water strikes, swift action and professional expertise are essential for achieving optimal outcomes in water damage restoration.

The Importance of Timely Water Damage Restoration: Preventing Long-Term Damage and Ensuring Safety

1/17/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage is a common occurrence in homes, caused by various factors such as floods, leaks, or plumbing issues. If left unaddressed, water damage can result in long-term and expensive restoration efforts. In this blog, we will explore the importance of timely water damage restoration and the risks associated with delaying restoration efforts.

Preventing Further Damage

Timely water damage restoration is crucial in preventing further damage to the property and its occupants. Water damage can quickly escalate, leading to structural damage, mold growth, and electrical hazards. Quick action, such as water extraction and proper drying techniques, can mitigate the extent of damage.

Cost Savings

If left unaddressed, water damage can result in long-term damage, increasing restoration costs. Prompt restoration efforts can help avoid the need for extensive repairs and replacement of furniture, appliances, and structural components.

Mold Prevention

Water damage creates a favorable environment for mold growth, leading to potential health hazards. Timely restoration efforts can prevent mold formation by removing excess water and implementing effective drying techniques. Restoration professionals use specialized equipment to detect and monitor moisture levels to ensure complete drying.

Electrical Safety

Water damage creates electrical hazards, increasing the likelihood of electrocution or short-circuiting. Restoration professionals have the expertise to cut off power to the affected area promptly, ensuring electrical safety and minimizing further risks.

Indoor Air Quality

Water damage can negatively affect indoor air quality, potentially causing respiratory issues or allergies. Restoration professionals can inspect the property for potential contaminants and use specialized equipment such as air scrubbers and HEPA filters to improve air quality.

Insurance Claims and Documentation

Timely water damage restoration also plays a crucial role in the insurance claims process. Insurance companies require detailed documentation of the damage and the restoration process to assess the validity of claims. By promptly addressing water damage and engaging professional restoration services, homeowners can gather the necessary evidence and documentation to support their insurance claims. Restoration professionals are experienced in working with insurance companies and can provide accurate and detailed reports of the damage, restoration procedures, and associated costs. 

Timely water damage restoration is essential in mitigating the extent of damage and ensuring occupant safety. It prevents further damage, reduces restoration costs, prevents mold growth, ensures electrical safety, improves air quality, and insurance claims and documentation.  Homeowners must contact restoration professionals promptly after water damage occurs to ensure timely restoration efforts.

The Essential Guide: The Role of Professional Restorers for Your Emergency Restoration and Recovery

10/4/2023 (Permalink)

When a disaster strikes and your home or property is in urgent need of restoration, it can be overwhelming to know where to turn or how to begin the recovery process. This is where the expertise and services of professional restorers come into play. In this blog post, we will delve into the essential role of professional restorers for your emergency restoration and recovery needs, highlighting the invaluable support they provide in navigating these challenging situations.

Rapid Response and Assessment

One of the primary roles of professional restorers is their ability to respond swiftly to emergencies. They understand the urgency and importance of getting started on the restoration process as soon as possible. Upon arrival, they will assess the extent of the damage and devise a comprehensive plan tailored to your specific situation. Their expertise allows them to identify potential hazards, prioritize tasks, and implement effective restoration procedures promptly.

Mitigation and Damage Control

Professional restorers are trained to implement immediate measures to mitigate further damage to your property. Whether it's water damage, fire damage, or mold growth, they have the knowledge and tools to address the issue head-on. They will utilize specialized techniques and equipment to remove standing water, dry out affected areas, secure the property, and prevent secondary damage. Taking prompt action is vital to minimize the impact and prevent additional costs down the line.

Restoration Expertise

Restoring a property after an emergency requires a high level of expertise. Professional restorers possess the necessary knowledge and experience to handle a wide range of restoration projects. They understand the intricacies of different materials, surfaces, and structural components, allowing them to restore your property to its preloss condition as efficiently as possible. From repairing damaged walls and floors to cleaning and sanitizing affected areas, their expertise ensures a thorough and effective restoration process.

Insurance Assistance

Dealing with insurance claims can be a complex and time-consuming process. Fortunately, professional restorers are well-versed in working with insurance companies. They can assist you in documenting and cataloging the damage, providing the necessary evidence to support your insurance claim. Their understanding of insurance policies and procedures can help streamline the claims process, ensuring a smoother and faster resolution.

Peace of Mind

One of the most significant benefits of hiring professional restorers is the peace of mind they offer during a challenging time. Knowing that experienced professionals are handling the restoration and recovery process allows you to focus on other important aspects of your life. These experts will guide you through every step, providing regular updates, answering your questions, and ensuring that your property is restored to its preloss condition as efficiently as possible.

When faced with an emergency situation requiring property restoration and recovery, professional restorers play a vital role in navigating the complex process. Their rapid response, assessment, mitigation, restoration expertise, and insurance assistance offer invaluable support during these challenging times. By entrusting the task to professionals, you can have peace of mind knowing that your property is in capable hands. Remember, swift action is critical, so do not hesitate to reach out to professional restorers for prompt and efficient restoration and recovery services.

Does Your Building Have Any of These Common Sewage Problems?

7/27/2023 (Permalink)

A properly functioning sewage system is vital for the health and safety of any building. However, various issues can arise within a sewage system, leading to unpleasant odors, clogs, leaks, and potential health hazards. In this blog, we will highlight some of the common sewage problems that buildings may encounter. Identifying these issues early on can help prevent further damage, ensure proper sanitation, and protect the well-being of occupants.

Clogged Drains and Toilets

Clogged drains and toilets are among the most common sewage problems in buildings. They can occur due to the accumulation of debris, foreign objects, hair, grease, or even tree roots infiltrating the pipes. Slow-draining sinks, toilets that back up or overflow, and gurgling sounds from drains are indicators of a potential clog.

Sewer Line Blockages

Blockages in the main sewer line can affect the entire building's plumbing system. Common causes include flushing inappropriate items down the toilet, such as paper towels, sanitary products, or excessive amounts of toilet paper. Tree root intrusion, collapsed pipes, or sediment buildup can also contribute to sewer line blockages.

Sewer Line Leaks

Leaks in the sewer line can lead to foul odors, soggy areas on the property, or even sewer backups. Aging pipes, corrosion, shifting soil, or external damage can all contribute to sewer line leaks. It's crucial to address these issues promptly to prevent contamination and potential health risks.

Septic Tank Issues

For buildings with septic systems, several problems can arise. These include inadequate tank size, sludge buildup, blocked drain fields, or malfunctioning components. Signs of septic tank issues may include foul odors, slow drains, gurgling sounds, or sewage backups. Regular septic tank maintenance and inspections are essential to prevent problems.

Vent Pipe Blockages

Vent pipes are crucial for releasing sewer gases and maintaining proper pressure in the plumbing system. Blockages in vent pipes, typically caused by debris or animal nests, can result in foul odors within the building, slow drains, or gurgling sounds. Clearing vent pipe blockages is necessary to maintain proper sewage system functionality.

Sump Pump Failures

Buildings with basements or below-grade areas may rely on sump pumps to prevent water accumulation and flooding. A malfunctioning or failed sump pump can result in water backups, flooding, and potential sewage contamination. Regular maintenance and testing of sump pumps are necessary to ensure their effectiveness.

Awareness of common sewage problems in buildings is crucial for early detection and prompt resolution. Clogged drains and toilets, sewer line blockages, leaks, septic tank issues, vent pipe blockages, sump pump failures, and improperly installed plumbing fixtures are among the common issues to watch out for. Regular inspections, proper maintenance, and addressing problems promptly through professional assistance can help ensure a healthy and functioning sewage system in your building. By prioritizing sewage system maintenance, you can maintain a safe and comfortable environment.

Water loss are the most common business interruption

3/13/2023 (Permalink)

Water loss is a big problem for businesses. Water damage accounts for 33% of all business interruptions and losses, according to the Insurance Information Institute. There are many ways that water loss can affect your business. You may not see it coming and might not think about how much it costs until after it happens. This article will explain why you should be worried about water damage and how you can protect your business from this type of disaster.

Water damage affects a large portion of business

Water damage is a common cause of business interruption, and it can happen anywhere. Water loss is often difficult to estimate in advance, making it difficult for businesses to determine how much insurance they need. However, insurance companies can help with these claims by providing coverage that's more flexible than traditional policies.

The cost of water loss can be hard to estimate.

Water damage can cost a lot of money, but how much is it really? How much will it cost you if your pipes burst or you have a leak in your roof? It's not always easy to know how much water damage has been done and what kind of repairs will be needed after an event like this happens. If there are multiple leaks in different parts of your building, it's difficult for property managers or owners to tell which one is causing most damage until they've had time to look around carefully at all areas where water might be entering through cracks or holes in the walls/ceilings above them

Water damage can happen anywhere.

Water damage can happen anywhere. The office, warehouse, factory or even on a construction site. Water damage is caused by a leaky pipe or a burst pipe that has been neglected for years. The other cause of water damage is flooding or heavy rain storms where there is no protection from the elements and all your hard work gets washed away in an instant.

Insurance companies can help with business interruption claims.

Business interruption insurance is a type of business insurance that covers the cost of lost income due to a disaster. Business interruption claims can be complicated and require thorough documentation, so it's important to work with an experienced agent who knows how to make sure you get what you're entitled to.

Protection of Fire Sprinklers

There are many ways for businesses to protect themselves from water loss and other effects of water damage. One of the most common means of preventing a disaster is through the use of fire sprinkler systems. These systems can be installed in any building, regardless of its size or shape. They have been proven to be effective at controlling fires in both residential and commercial properties, as well as industrial facilities like factories and warehouses.

Water alarms are another popular option for preventing water damage during an emergency situation like a natural disaster or fire. Unlike sprinkler systems they do not automatically activate when they detect moisture levels above a certain threshold (for example: 10% relative humidity). Instead they require human intervention in order to activate which makes them less effective than other options available on today's market.

Water damage can be devastating to any business, but it's important to remember that there are ways to protect yourself from this risk. You can purchase insurance coverage for your business and make sure that you have an emergency plan in place in case of water loss or other types of damage. If you are concerned about how much water damage costs and want more information about what type of coverage may be right for your company, contact us today!

4 Common Reasons for Hot Water Heater Leaks

2/13/2023 (Permalink)

A hot water heater leak can be a real hassle. It can cause damage to your home and not to mention the inconvenience of having to call a plumber out to repair it. Hot water heaters generally don’t have many moving parts or components, which makes them relatively straightforward machines. But if you notice that your hot water heater is leaking then there are several things that could have caused it and they all need to be taken into consideration.

Water Connections Aren't Functioning

If your water heater is leaking and you don’t know why, look at the water connections. The supply line (where the hot water comes in), drain valve (where used water flows out), and temperature/pressure relief valve (that allows excess pressure to release when it gets too high) are all potential reasons for leaks in your tank.

If these connections are old, damaged, or improperly installed, leakage can occur as a result of wear-and-tear or corrosion that has taken place over time.

Loose Gaskets

Gaskets are rubber rings that seal the water tank to the hot water tank. They can become loose over time and require replacement, but if your gasket is still in good shape, you can try tightening it yourself with pliers or a wrench. Before doing so, make sure that there's no other problem with your hot water heater (such as clogs or a faulty thermostat). If all else fails, you might need to call a professional plumber for help.

Damaged Drain Valve

A damaged or loose drain valve can cause water to leak out of the tank. To check whether this is the cause of your leak, look for water pooling underneath the tank. To fix a damaged drain valve, you will need to flush your entire water heater and then clean any debris or buildup that has accumulated around the valve. If this doesn't stop the leak, your best bet is to call a professional to help replace the drain valve entirely.

Damaged Water Tank

If you find that your water heater is leaking, it’s possible that the tank itself is damaged. Some of the most common signs of a leaking tank include:

  • Cracked or damaged tank
  • Leaking from bottom
  • Leaking from top
  • Leaking from side
  • Excessive sediment buildup (that cannot be properly cleaned)

In most cases, leaks can be fixed by simply tightening a connection or replacing a gasket. In more serious cases, you may need to replace the whole water heater. If you’re having trouble identifying what parts of your hot water heater are leaking, contact a licensed service professional who can help identify the source of your problem and make repairs properly.

What Is Category Three Water Damage?

11/2/2022 (Permalink)

What Is Category Three Water Damage?

When you have experienced water damage in your Longmont, CO home, it's important to know how to properly handle it. Water damage can be a devastating experience for any homeowner. Whether the problem is due to an overflowing toilet, a burst pipe in the kitchen or a leaky roof, it’s important to know that there are qualified professionals who are ready to help with any type of water damage situation.

This is especially true if the water damage has become unsanitary and requires professional mitigation and restoration. If you're wondering what exactly category three water damage is, read on!

May Be Unsanitary

You may not be able to determine if a water damage is category three. But you can call an expert for help, who will tell you whether it's safe to stay in your home and what you need to do next.

When it comes to any kind of water damage, don't hesitate to call an expert—they'll be able to guide you through the process and keep your family safe until repairs are finished.

Often Referred To As Black Water

Black water is a term that describes the presence of sewage in the damaged property. It can be caused by a variety of factors, but one common cause is flooding from a blocked toilet or drain line. The presence of harmful bacteria and viruses in black water can be dangerous and requires professional expertise to mitigate and clean properly.

Require Professional Care

Category three water damage is unsanitary and requires professional mitigation and restoration. Water damage restoration is a specialized field that requires training and experience to perform effectively. A trained professional can mitigate the damage, protect your property from further damage, protect yourself and others on your property, and restore your home or business to preloss condition.

When it comes to handling category three water damage, the expertise of a trained professional is almost always required. Category three water damage can be extremely expensive and time-consuming for homeowners, but there are ways you can save yourself some money if you're willing to do a little research.

If you have any questions about how to prevent category three water damage at home or would like more information about what needs to be done after having category 3 water damage, contact us today!

SERVPRO of Longmont Can Help!

If your home or business suffers from water damage, especially if it originated from a flood or sewage loss, it is crucial to call your local water mitigation experts for assistance. SERVPRO of Longmont is highly trained and experienced in category 3 water damage cleanup and restoration. If you have any questions or are in need of emergency water cleanup services, don’t hesitate and give our SERVPRO team a call today!

How To Detect Common Causes of Bathtub and Shower Leaks

8/26/2022 (Permalink)

How To Detect Common Causes of Bathtub and Shower Leaks

Few aspects of homeownership are as frustrating to manage as a leak. When you suspect a shower or bathtub leak at your home in Berthoud, CO, you may wonder how to pinpoint the elusive cause of this potentially damaging problem. You can track down common leak causes by knowing where to look:

Check Your Shower or Bathtub Faucet
Slow faucet leaks are a common problem that many people ignore, not realizing the complications they can cause, including:

  • Corrosion of parts subjected to constant water drips
  • Staining of a bathtub's surface
  • Higher water bills from unnecessary water flow

Replacing a faulty washer usually stops a faucet leak, but sometimes it is necessary to replace the entire faucet if too many of its parts are worn.

Check Your Bathtub's Surface
Bathtub leaks can happen when damage to fiberglass or acrylic surfaces causes leaks that may not be visible immediately. If you suspect your bathtub has a crack, fill it with water and look for bubbling in spots that could indicate the damaged area. Eventually, you will also see water pooling on the bathtub's outer surface and the floor beneath it. Some bathtubs' sealants can wear away over time, leading to similar consequences and potential water damage.

Check Your Shower Floor for Water Pooling

A waterproof liner, or shower pan, exists below your shower's floor to capture water seeping through the tiles and direct it down the drain. If the liner becomes pierced, excess water does not drain. Instead, it can leak through the underlying foundation and make its way to the rooms below your bathroom, where it can damage the ceilings. Mold can form after a shower pan leak, and you may require a mold remediation company's services to sanitize your space and prevent further damage.

Flooding caused by a bathtub leak can have severe consequences for your home in Longmont, CO, but a professional flood restoration service can handle the cleanup.

3 Things To Know About Category 1 Water Damage

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

3 Things To Keep In Mind When Dealing With Category 1 Water Damage

There are three distinct categories of water damage that can affect any business. These are based on the contamination level of the water and consist of clean water (Category 1), grey water (Category 2), and black water (Category 3). Here's what you should know if your Longmont, CO, business is impacted by Category 1 water damage.  

1. Per Its Name, Clean Water Comes From a Sanitary Source

Category 1 water damage involves water from a sanitary source. This can include flooding from a water supply line, broken pipe, toilet tank, rainwater, or melted snow or ice. This is also the case with an overflow toilet bowl, but only if there is no waste in the water. 

2. Category 1 Water Damage Can Worsen If Left Untreated

Just because the water source is deemed sanitary at first doesn't mean it can't become contaminated. It is vital to let a water damage restoration company address the issue right away to prevent the water from transitioning to Category 2, which features bacteria, mold or viruses. The problem could evolve into the dangerous Category 3 in severe cases. Be mindful of strong odors that may set in, as this could indicate you are no longer dealing with a Category 1 situation.  

3. Action Should Be Taken To Minimize Damage

Clean water damage can still do a number on any commercial space. Therefore, it's crucial to act quickly to extract the water, secure important items to a safe location, and dry the space thoroughly to prevent molding or structural issues. 

If you are dealing with Category 1 water damage,  requires quick treatment to minimize further harm and damage. 

3 Alternatives to Chemical Drain Cleaners

5/10/2022 (Permalink)

Chemical Drain Cleaners Have 3 Alternatives

Are you experiencing water backing up due to a clogged drain? Not treating the problem can often require the help of a water damage restoration company, so it's best to address the clog immediately. However, chemical drain-clearing products can result in pipe damage. Instead, try these alternatives to safely and easily remove drain blockages in your Longmont, CO, home.

1. Tackle a Clogged Drain With Mechanical Plumbing Tools

If you are equipped with either a plunger or auger, also known as a drain snake, utilize them first and foremost. These useful sewage cleaning tools can push out stubborn drain blockages with force and offer the quickest solution for a clog.

2. Opt for a Safer Biological Solution

A chemical-based drain cleaner eliminates clogs by producing heat to break down the material. The heat it causes can ultimately damage pipes, particularly those made of plastic or older metal. Additionally, the harsh chemicals pose a threat to the environment as the cleaner can end up in bodies of water and harm animal ecosystems. A safer solution for your clogged drain is an enzymatic cleaner. These products feature live enzymes which eat away at the clog over the course of a few hours.

3. Concoct a Homemade Remedy

You can also clear your drain using simple items you likely already have in your home. There are a variety of home remedies you can try on a clog rather than a chemical cleaner. Perhaps the most popular is taking equal parts of baking soda and vinegar, letting it sit in the drain for an hour, then clearing away with hot water. Pouring a bit of dish soap and hot water into the drain is another effective option.

Don't put your pipes at risk by using a damaging chemical cleaner. Get your drains cleared safely with a plunger or snake, a bio-safe product or with a trusted home remedy.

4 Residential Water Damage Facts

3/2/2022 (Permalink)

Specialist are cleaning water damage in a home. SERVPRO is your local water, flood, and fire damage restoration professional. Call SERVPRO today to learn more about how we can help!

4 Things To Know About Water Damage In Your Home

Water damage is the second most common type of home insurance claim. Many homeowners are unaware of the extent of restoration necessary after a pipe burst or major leak. Here are four facts to help you make more informed restoration decisions.

1. The Average Restoration Cost Is $2,700

The average cost to remove clean or gray water from a 700 square foot basement is approximately $2,700. If the damage involves clean water from a broken water line, restoration may cost around $1,400. Expenses can range as high as $7,500 for cleaning up highly contaminated black water. Damage caused by flooding is not covered by most homeowners insurance policies.

2. Category One Water Rapidly Degrades

A pipe burst involving clean, treated Category One water is on the low end of the cost estimate because there is no need for cleaning and disinfection. Category One water can degrade to Category Two gray water within 72 hours and to highly contaminated Category Three black water within 120 hours.

3. Contaminated Water Requires Disinfection

Areas exposed to contaminated Category Two or Category Three water must be disinfected. Water damage restoration professionals may pre-treat the area prior to cleaning and tearing out damaged materials such as drywall or carpet. Another round of disinfection is necessary afterward to prevent recontamination.

4. Rapid Drying Is Imperative

Mold may start to grow within 24 to 48 hours after water damage. The risk of secondary damage may be reduced by quick action to mitigate primary damage. Start by removing standing water and damaged materials. Next, clean and disinfect the area, if necessary. Promote drying with a dehumidifier and ventilation.

These water damage facts may help homeowners make informed decisions in the aftermath of a pipe burst or other water damage at a residence in Erie, CO. A mitigation and restoration company can address primary damage and limit secondary damage.

What You Need To Know About Ice Dams

1/14/2022 (Permalink)

Ice Dams: Everything You Need To Know

When winter weather hits, you must take additional steps to keep your home in good condition. Unfortunately, if an ice dam forms, your roof could leak. Here are a few things you need to know about ice dams.

Understanding Ice Dams

Ice dams are blocks of ice that form near the edges of your roof. When temperatures are low, these dams don’t cause much trouble. When roof temperatures rise, however, melted water pools behind the dam. As you may suspect, this water can seep under your shingles and into your attic. If you have problem with ice dams, your home could sustain significant damage to the following:

  • Shingles
  • Rafters
  • Decking
  • Insulation
  • Drywall
  • Ceilings

Keeping Your Roof Cold

If your roofing system isn’t cold enough to keep the water on top of it frozen, you could notice a roof leak from an ice dam. To keep your roof cold, you must control the temperature of your attic. Perhaps the most successful way to keep heat out of your attic is to seal off the space. This prevents warm air from the living areas of your home from entering the attic and warming the roof. You may also want to check your insulation. If it isn’t in good shape, insulation may not keep your exterior roof cool. Finally, consider adding soffit vents in your attic to adequately vent the space.

Starting Cleanup Immediately

If ice dams cause water damage in your Longmont, CO, home, you must act quickly to mitigate damage. As you likely know, standing water can damage walls, floors, foundations and furnishings. Even worse, mold can begin to grow in as few as 24 hours. By working with a reputable water cleanup service, you take advantage of professional equipment and expertise to restore your home to its pre-leak condition.

Having an ice dam is a recipe for disaster. By understanding these dams and knowing how to prevent them, you can protect the comfort, value and appearance of your home.